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My testimonial of ‘HORA – The Unity Dance’

With each step you take towards "HORA - The Unity Dance" by the talented and visionary Marius Diaconu, feelings of grandeur wash over you. In the presence of this piece, you sense the powerful motion of a community that, like a virtuous circle, expands and embraces you without judgment. The imposing clay artwork, through its very existence, fulfills that profoundly human need for belonging, and gratefully, makes you feel included in the very essence of life on our planet. Simultaneously, it directly addresses you as a recognizable member of the community, respecting your autonomy and appealing to your contribution for yourself and for all, without exception, reminding you that what you do matters, and it matters greatly.


While still in the process of fully absorbing and making sense of all that you are perceiving, all that remains is to surrender to the wisdom, history, and tradition emanating from the 100 characters within this art piece. With each passing second exposed to its magnetism, you are surrounded by an essence of respect for all of humanity, for our ancestors, for our families, from whom we are nothing less than blessed children, honored to be alive here and now.



In this climax, replete with ecstasy and satisfaction, all you need to do is embrace gratitude and allow your inner voice to lead you to your higher self—the one that revels in radiance and contributes to the greater good of humanity and our planet, bringing healing to both you and others. What more could one desire from such a generous and truly unparalleled work! Thank you, HORA – The Unity Dance, thank you, Marius Diaconu!


Suddenly, as if emerging from a trance, your gaze locks with this extraordinary artist, and swiftly you are swept into a profound whirlwind of tumultuous experiences and emotions, overflowing with love for life and Mother Earth. Like all great creators, you resonate with his story, akin to a seed nestled in the deepest darkness beneath the earth, destined to burst forth towards the sky, generously offering something beneficial for himself and for all of humanity.


In that moment, you grasp the extensive creative process that a work as profound, wise, and revealing as "HORA – The Unity Dance" encompasses, painstakingly crafted from the very elements of the earth: soil, water, wind, and fire, thanks to a unique clay technique. Indeed, as a privileged observer, you are engaging in an exchange of glances with the last artist of his kind in the entire world. Undoubtedly, a treasure that must be safeguarded, for as the artwork reminds us, we are all in this together, united we stand, divided we fall.


Dr. Jordi Escartin

Advisory Board Member & Visiting Professor at King’s College London


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